Sunday, September 28, 2008

Activa_T meeting at Pamplona

In Pamplona took place a very important meeting between two of the partners of the Activa_T project: Ágora Bracarense (PT) and Ayuntamiente de Estella (ES). Jesús Sancho (ES) and Tiago Mourão (PT) met, during the training course "Let's meet for participation" and discussed some more details of the next iberian project as well as searched for some new partners in Spain.
It was also moment for presenting this project to the spamish press. Both organizations showed all the interest in colaborating and make it possible the "Sedaction Manual" which is seen as an important tool for the youth associations future work.
Soon there will be some more news, information and documents concerning this project. From now on, all the involved organizations, both in Portugal and Sapin, will maintain an oppened dialogue, in order to conclude this process with the project applience.

News from Spain

Estella participa en la elaboración de una guía para atraer a jóvenes
- El área de juventud aunará las ideas de los colectivos locales y nacionales, que se pondrán en común con colectivos portugueses

¿Por qué los jóvenes cada vez se involucran menos en las actividades, tanto a la hora de organizar cómo asistir de público? A esta pregunta se intentó dar respuesta en vano en un encuentro de técnicos de juventud que se celebró en Italia. Pero, como indicó ayer el presidente del área municipal de Estella que se ocupa de esta franja de edad, el regionalista Jesús Sancho, ahora lo que interesa es buscar una solución.
Y la comisión estellesa se ha involucrado en esta tarea junto a la asociación Agora, de Braga (Portugal), cuyo presidente Tiago Mourao se desplazó ayer a la ciudad del Ega para explicar junto a Jesús Sancho en qué consistirá este proyecto.
Una iniciativa que se materializará con la elaboración de una guía que recoja las propuestas de cuatro asociaciones españolas y otras tantas lusas para incentivar a los jóvenes. Con el nombre, de momento provisional, de Manual de sedacción, el documento se nutrirá de las aportaciones que los diferentes colectivos consigan en sus respectivas ciudades con formaciones juveniles.
Jesús Sancho adelantó que en la ciudad del Ega se invitará a participar a la veintena de agrupaciones en funcionamiento. "Ninguna está censada porque se muestran reacios a dar los pasos administrativos exigidos. Pero muchas de ellas despliegan bastantes actividades", afirmó el concejal de Juventud.
Tras este acopio de información, se realizarán dos encuentros -uno en España y otro en Portugal- para una puesta en común de las propuestas realizadas desde colectivos nacionales y lusos. Finalmente, y seguramente que en la casa de juventud de Estella, se organizará una reunión de cara a materializar la elaboración del manual que, se espera, tenga una difusión europea.
El proceso, que se prolongará en torno a 18 meses, ha iniciado ya su primer paso: la tramitación de la ayuda europea en el organismo Salto-Youth, organización dentro del Parlamento Europeo encargada de gestionar los fondos comunitarios para jóvenes.
In "Diário de Navarra"

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Contributes from Carolina Guerrero (AFAIJ)

- Clarify the number of local activities: 4 Portuguese local activities + 4 Spanish local activities in a total of 8 activities;

- Create or propose more concrete activities for the local meetings in order to involve also youngsters and not also youth workers;

- Include an Activities Schedule;

- Include some financial information.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Activa_T Project Presentation Document - Draft Version

It is now available in this blog the "Activa_T Project Presentation Document - Draft Version" so that all the project partners can give their opinion in order that, by the end of the month of July we have a final version of the Activa_T project so that we can present it in our association and to some other possible partners and interested participants.

Activa_T Project Presentation Document


This project is the result of a previous Youth in Action Programme project. On June, 2008, it was held in Sirolo (Italy) a “Reflection Seminar on Youth Participation” where most of the partners of Activa_T project met.
In this event it was created a group composed by Portuguese and Spanish youngsters who together thought about the conception and implementation of an Iberian youth project. After presenting one to each other and their associations, this group started a brainstorming in order to find out the best field to work together. There was a profitable exchange of ideas and sharing of concerns and problems. As result of this informal conversation, this group decided to focus their project on the youth participation field, more concretely in the way how to increase and improve youth participation on youth association activities, as this was mentioned to be a lack on their work.
“Have you ever prepared a youth activity, and the people attending it were less than you have expected? Have you ever thought how to change this?” This was the found purpose for this project.


Activa_T project was thought to be a 1.3 Action project with wide participation, involving several different associations. In this project will collaborate Portuguese and Spanish associations (in the same number of four from each country) as members of this Iberian partnership. These associations will be responsible for promoting locally this project, involving and calling to participation other associations from their network/region in a first stage.
As this project goes on, the participants will increase as well as the project dimension and reach. So, after a local/regional work in several different places, all national partners will join at a national level to complete and compile their work.
The increasing maturation of the project may lead us to a final stage at Iberian level, where all people involved will objectively embody their strengths and work in a final document.


As objectives/goals of this project, we manly identify:
- The exchange of experiences among associations at local/regional/national and international levels;
- The debate/discussion on youth participation and a better hetero-knowledge of the involved associations;
- To increase and improve youth participation in their associations;
- To increase and improve youth initiatives success;
- The exchange of ideas:
- on how to motivate youngsters in their association work;
- on promoting association’s activities;
- on how to increase the activities’ public/audience;
- on how to increase the active participation of those not experienced or not so active;
- on how to increase the number of youth leaders;
- on how to improve teamwork.
All these objectives in order to improve the quality standards of youth association work.
- The creation of an Iberian informal network of youth organisations to exchange contacts, resources and best practices;
- The redaction and discussion/dissemination of an official document compiling and resuming all this project work.


Local/Regional activities:
Previous work: contacting/inviting network/local associations.
Activity: One-day meeting with the maximum number of local/regional associations in a brainstorming session that will result in an Idearium (list of ideas) redaction on how to achieve our main goals resumed in how to increase and improve youth participation on youth association activities.
Number of activities: 8 local activities in the 8 partner association cities.
Participants: as many as each partner is able to invite. The most important is representativity and quality of participations, so there are no restrictions at this level.
Note: each local/regional activity implementation may differ from city to city according to the partner perception on how it is the best way to carry on these activities. Each partner has some flexibility to organize their local/regional activities.

National activities:
Previous work: Idearium analysis.
Activity: Two-day national seminar with the participation of the most active and participative associations at the previous level, consisting on workshops, team-work, debates and conclusions redaction. The objective product of these seminars will be two National Guide Papers where the participants will organize and shape their previous list of ideas which will guide them to the last stage of this project.
Number of activities: 2 national activities in the 2 partner countries.
Participants: 2 members from each 4 national partner associations + 4 youngsters from each 4 local/regional activities + 2 youngsters from any city whether there had been a local/regional activity or not, in a total of 26 youngsters. The participants will be chosen by the project partner associations.

International activity:
Previous work: preparation meeting with all the partners involved in the project.
Activity: Four-day Iberian Plenary Session concluding all the work developed in the previous stages. The participants will present the National Guide Papers and then work in Iberian groups in order to develop the content of the final product of this project: the Iberian SED∩CTION MANUAL on Youth Participation. There will be elected a democratic representative group (“comité”) responsible for the redaction of this manual which may be concluded some time after the Iberian Plenary Session.
Number of activities: 1 Iberian activity, held in Spain.
Participants: 16 members from each partner country in a total of 32 participants.

Dissemination activity:
After the conclusion of the redaction of the Iberian SED∩CTION MANUAL this will be edited in both Portuguese and Spanish languages and distributed in local events in each participant city. These events are responsibility of each partner.

Follow-up activity:
As result of this project, there will also be created an Iberian association contact and resource exchange network, which may be used by all the participants of the Activa_T project.

Porto, July, 1st 2008

Monday, June 30, 2008

Project Presentation Document

Until the end of July it will be presented the "Activa_T Project Presentation Document" and posted in this blog. This document will answer some questions about the aim of the project, its objectives. It will be clarified why this project was born, how we came out with this idea, where and when.
We will try to explain briefly what we aim with this project, how it fits in the Youth in Action Programme (Action 1.3), why we think this is an important project and how will we intend to carry it on.
The responsible people for this document will be Tiago Mourão and Sónia Rodrigues, who will work together and then present it to the other partners who will be asked to give their opinions in order to complete it.

Hasta final de Julio será presentado el "Documento de Presentación del Proyecto Activa_T" y publicado en esto blog. Esto documento contestará algunas cuestiones sobre el ámbito del proyecto y sus objetivos. Será clarificado el nacimiento del proyecto, como surgió esta idea, donde y cuando.
Intentaremos explicar lo que queremos con el proyecto y como se encuadra en el Programa Juventud en Acción (Acción 1.3), porqué pensamos ser esto un importante proyecto y como lo vamos a seguir haciendo.
Los responsables por su redacción serán Tiago Mourão y Sónia Rodrigues que trabajaran juntos y después lo presentaran a los demás socios que darán sus opiniones de forma a completarlo.

Até ao final de Julho será apresentado o "Documento de Apresentação do Projecto Activa_T" e publicado neste blog. Este documento responderá a algumas questões sobre o âmbito do projecto e os seus objectivos. Será clarificado como nasceu este projecto, como surgiu a ideia, onde e quando.
Tentaremos explicar o que pretendemos com o projecto e como este se enquadra no Programa Juventude em Acção (Acção 1.3), porque pensamos que é um projecto importante e como o vamos implementar.
Os responsáveis pela sua redacção serão Tiago Mourão e Sónia Rodrigues, que trabalharão em conjunto e depois o apresentarão aos demais parceiros, de forma a que estes opinem e o complementem.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

The very first scrap - June 2008

Plan Primario de Actuación del Proyecto Activa_T

Objetivo: Este plan pretende orientar toda la actuación de las asociaciones socias en el proyecto Activa_T, definiendo las fechas más importantes en el desarrollo del proyecto, culminando con su presentación en la fecha de 1 de Febrero de 2009.

Junio 2008: “Youth Participation Seminar” donde nació la idea de creación del proyecto entre asociaciones portuguesas y españolas.

Hasta final de Julio: Elaboración de un pequeño documento que presente la idea del proyecto, poniendo en el papel la idea creada en el Seminario en Sirolo.

Este documento será de la responsabilidad de Tiago Mourao, que lo enviará a los demás creadores del proyecto, para que hagan las sugerencias que entiendan. Después de elaborado, será más fácil pensar mas a fondo en el proyecto, saber las necesidades, puntos flacos y donde se tiene que trabajar más o profundizar.

Hasta final de Septiembre: Definición de la forma operacional de como va a funcionar el proyecto: elaboración de un plan de implementación del proyecto con fechas y locales provisorios para las diferentes fases del proyecto; formas de trabajo en las diferentes fases.

Aquí se define el proyecto: quien va a participar (tipos de socios), cuanto tiempo tardarán las iniciativas, cuantos socios, que tipos y donde serán las reuniones/seminarios/sesión plenaria, que tipos de apoyo serán necesarios: financiamiento, apoyo logístico, etc.

Hasta final de Diciembre: Definición de todas las asociaciones socias en el proyecto y elaboración de la propuesta de candidatura.

1 Febrero 2009: Presentación de la candidatura.

En todas estas fases es muy importante la participación de las asociaciones y personas que son responsables por la creación del proyecto.
Entre cada una de las fechas será fundamental mantener el contacto y también llamar más gente a participar.

Saturday, June 28, 2008


Este é o blog oficial do Projecto Activa_T a desenvolver por associações portuguesas e espanholas no âmbito da acção 1.3 do Programa Juventude em Acção. Convidamos todos os que tomarão parte da criação e elaboração deste projecto a participar e a torná-lo possível.

Esto es el blog oficial del Proyecto Activa_T desarollado por asociaciones portuguesas y españolas en la acción 1.3 del Programa Juventud en Acción. Invitamos todos los que haran parte en su creación y elaboración a participar y permitir que este proyecto sea posible.